Wednesday, January 25, 2012

LG Infinia Case Study

STRATEGY In a highly competitive TV market that LG had to get leadership of, in an economical context that moved consumption from high-end to mainstream across all industries, we had to get consumers attention and create talkability around Infinia, a new medium-to-high-end TV line, in order to prove LG as the TV expert and maintain it as the TV brand of choice across all price segments. EXECUTION We started from a very powerful insight: consumers would love to get close to their favourite TV stars. We selected 3 Romanian celebrities and produced three different movies, each one with its own story, the scenario being related to LG Infinia. Visitors were able to personalize the movie with their name and photo and thus „play" in a movie with their favorite celebrity as the main character. RESULTS 150.000 unique users were exposed to the campaign More than 10.000 personalised movies Campaign featured on more than 40 popular blogs

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